Fedrigoni Among The Excellent Companies In Sustainability For Third Year Running

Fedrigoni is confirmed in the elite of companies recognised for its strong commitment to sustainability: for the third year running, in fact, the Group has been awarded the platinum medal by Ecovadis, placing it in the top 1% of companies for ESG performance, worldwide and in the industry itself, and improving its score to 90/100. The platinum medal is the highest rating awarded by Ecovadis, the international ESG rating agency that each year examines tens of thousands of companies of all sizes and from all manufacturing sectors around the world, assessing their operations and management systems in terms of environmental care and social responsibility.

“This result is an important incentive to continue to strive for excellence, together with our stakeholders and customers,” comments Marco Nespolo, the Group's CEO. “We are seriously committed every day and in all branches to achieving our ESG 2030 objectives, in a path of constant improvement guided also by the feedback we receive through assessments such as that of Ecovadis, which allow us to implement corrective actions from year to year, improving from one assessment to the next until we reach, in just five years, results of which we can really be proud”.

Fedrigoni is among the world's leading players in premium labels and self-adhesive materials, special papers for luxury packaging and other creative solutions, and RFID and connected solutions. This high score, 90/100, derives from performance in the “Environment” category and improvement in the “Sustainable Procurement” category, so much so that Ecovadis is developing a case study on Fedrigoni's own supply chain, so that it can serve as an example to other companies. In addition, in 2024 Fedrigoni was confirmed as the leader in the "Carbon Management" category, among the companies with the best management system for climate change issues, with ambitious decarbonisation objectives set on a scientific basis.

Fedrigoni's entire growth strategy is permeated by a constant commitment to sustainability issues, where one of the biggest challenges is the energy transition, where the Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The multinational company's approach, called “Making Progress”, provides a roadmap of targets to be reached by 2030, tracking all progress in a rigorous, transparent and measurable way: from a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions (a target endorsed by SBTI), to water consumption (which is to be reduced by 10% in terms of withdrawal, returning 95% of it clean to the environment), from waste management with a view to full circularity (zero waste sent to landfill) to a product offering of 100% Aticelca-certified recyclable special papers and self-adhesive materials suitable for recycling or reuse that are Recyclass certified.
In the social sphere, the company is committed to creating an increasingly safe and inclusive working environment: priorities include accident prevention (in 2023 at Group level the accident frequency index fell by 17.7%, from 13.3 to 11), reducing the gender gap (to reach 35% of managerial positions occupied by women) and promoting an inclusive and learning environment for the company's 6000 people. Fedrigoni's commitment to its people and the local communities in the places where the company operates also includes tangible actions on the issues of biodiversity and human rights. Ecovadis' Platinum medal is not the only recognition in the ESG sphere received by Fedrigoni, which has been included by S&P Global in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024, where it ranks only 8% of the more than 9,400 companies assessed in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment 2023.


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